Specimen Details: IKS 003

IKS 003
Bridelia insulana
No local names given
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28 Apr 2009
Nadawawi, Sabu Barat, Sabu Raijua (Sabu), Sabu
Wadumedi, in Ina Bunga's brother's lontar plantation
Wadu Medi, dikebun lontar milik saudara dari Ina Bunga.
Lowland forest
Farming land
Some disturbance
3 meters
80 meters
Level (0-2ยก)
None (level)
Seasonally Wet
Lontar plantation. Growing with teak and lontar palms. Drainage: seasonally wet. Soil: limestone.
Kebun lontar. Tumbuh dengan jati dan lontar. Daerah kering kadang basah. Tanahnya berkapur.
Elliptical leaves, white flower similar to citris flower. Bark has small dots, white. Bark slash red.
Daunnya lonjong, bunga putih mirip bunga jeruk. Kulitnya ada bintik putih. Irisan kulit merah.
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