Raeloro village, Kampung Namata in front of Ibu Hale's house, behind adat stones.
Kampung Raeloro, desa Namata, di depan rumah ina Hale, dibelakang batu tempat upacara.
Household land
Some disturbance
5 meters
80 meters
Gentle (2-10ยก)
Full sun
Not given
Cultivated home garden. Drainage: dry. Soil: limestone.
Tumbuh di pekarangan rumah. Tanahnya kering dan berkapur.
Leaf face green, brown underside. Thorns on trunk and stem. Small berry fruits, green when unripe, red when ripe, star shaped flower, red bark slash. Considered different form Kehuba and has different purpose.
Permukaan daun hijau, belakang daun cokelat. Berduri pada batang dan tangkai. Buahnya kecil seperti berry, hijau ketika muda, merah waktu masak, bunganya berbentuk seperti bintang, irisan kulit batang merah. Masyarakat anggap tumbuhan ini lain dgn Kehuba dan ada applikasi berbeda.
Not given
Not given
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The motifs section lists the motifs, from the cultural group(s) where the specimen was collected, that represent this specimen.
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