Specimen Details: IKS 008

IKS 008
Cassia sp.
No local names given
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29 Apr 2009
Dimu, Sabu Timur, Sabu Raijua (Sabu), Sabu
Edge of plantation of Pak Titus Bire
Tumbuh di pinggir kebun pak Titus Bire.
Forest agriculture
Some disturbance
6 meters
80 meters
Level (0-2ยก)
Full sun
None (level)
Agroforest with coconut & lania grandis. Plantation. Drainage: dry. Soil: limestone.
Daerah pertanian dengan kelapa dan pohon santan. Perkebunan. Tanahnya kering dan berkapur.
Bi pinnate leaves, opposite, similar to leaves of Averroa bilimbi, but larger. Young leaves blueish, turning to yellow brown when mature. Fruit cylindrical, approximately 30 cm long.
Berujung daun dua, berhadapan, sama seperti daun bilimbing, tapi lebih besar. Daun muda agak kebiruan, menjadi kuning kecoklatan ketika tua. Buahnya berbentuk silinder dengan panjang kira-kira 30cm.
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