Specimen Details: IKS 013

IKS 013
Fatoua vilosa
No local names given
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No indonesian names given
01 May 2009
Tanajawa, Hawu Mehara, Sabu Raijua (Sabu), Sabu
Kampung Ubaraka. The forest is approximately 1 km from Camat's office, right side of road
Diambil di kampung Ubaraka. Hutannya berada sekitar I km dari kantor Camat, disebelah kanan jalan.
Lowland forest
Largely undisturbed
1 meters
200 meters
Moderate (10-45ยก)
Full sun
Undisturbed forest. Drainage: dry. Soil: Limestone. There are other plants for oilling proces like Doromone, Nailode, Kepehu Beni, Kewunyi.
Hutan yang belum terganggu, daerah kering berkapur. Terdapat tumbuhan-tumbuhan lain untuk keperluan perminyakan seperti Doromone, Nailode, Kepehu Beni, Kewunyi.
Elliptical leaf, serrate, with fine hair on both sides and stem. Sticky if folded, tiny white flowers, quite thick petals, flower also covered in fine hairs. White/ pale yellow roots with good smell.
Daun berbentuk bulat panjang bergerigi dengan bulu-bulu halus dikedua sisi daun dan batang. Melengket bila dilipat, bunga putih sangat kecil, mahkota bunga agak tebal, bunga juga diliputi oleh bulu-bulu halus. Akar berwarna kuning pucat berbau harum.
Not given
Not given
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Determination Date
22 Sep 2010
No family given
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No species given
RBG - Kew
Tim Utteridge
18 Sep 2010
Tim identified this plant from photographs sent by Jean. It was further identified by Melanie Wilmot-Dear who is a Moraceae and sometime Urtiaceae specialist at Kew.
Tim sudah mengidentifikasi tanaman ini yang dikirim oleh Ibu Jean. Diidentifikasi lebih lanjut oleh Melanie Wilmot-Dear yang adalah ahli spesialis Moraceae dan Urticaceae di KEW.
01 Aug 2013
vilosa (Murray) Nakai
RBG - Kew
Rogier de Kok
18 Sep 2010
No english notes given
No indonesian notes given
Drawer 1