Pedarro village, side of road on the way to Pak Zadrak's house, approx 2 km north of house.
Pedarro, pinggir jalan menuju kerumah Pak Zadrak, kira-kira 2 km arah utara dari rumahnya.
Heavily disturbed
3 meters
200 meters
Moderate (10-45ยก)
Full sun
Roadside. Stressed plant in very disturbed roadside location. Drainage: dry. Soil: limestone.
tumbuh dipinggir jalan, sangat terganggu. Tanah berkapur dan daerahnya kering
Shiny green face of leaf, underside light green. Long, small cylindrical fruit, light green when nature, red if mature. Fruit drupe. Black bark. Bark slash yellow.
permukaan daun bagian atas hiaju mengkilap dan bagian bawah hijau muda. Buahnya bulat kecil panjang dan melengkung seperti silinder. Buahnya berwarna hijau muda ketika belum masak dan berwarna merah ketika tua. Buahnya tergelantung. Kulit batang berwarna hitam, bila diiris berwarna kuning.
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The motifs section lists the motifs, from the cultural group(s) where the specimen was collected, that represent this specimen.
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