The local name is Loba Wawi. It was found growing in the community vanilla garden in the village of Tendabhera
Nama lokal Loba Wawi, Di tumbuh Dikebun Vanili masyarakat
Montane forest
Forest agriculture
Some disturbance
Not recorded
17 meters
800 meters
Not given
Moderate (10-45ยก)
Full sun
Not given
Seasonally Dry
Not given
Loba Wawi is found groing in an Agroforestry system growing with vanilla. Drainage: seasonally dry.
Sistem perkebunan dengan menanam vanili. Daerahnya kadang kering.
Light green slightly shiny leaves, bark cream to yellowish color.
Daunnya agak mengkilat dan hijau muda, kulit pohon berwarna krem kekuningan.
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