Local people call this Kelampai. It is found growing in mature rubber (hevea) agroforestry system. Drainage: seasonally dry.
Nama Lokal Kelampai. Tumbuhan in ada di perkebunan karet yang sudah dewasa. Daerahnya kadang kering.
Milky latex with bark slash, no fruit, seed, but said to be tri-logulate by local dayak people. Seed is chocolate brown, large (3 cm long) altermate leaves, flaky bark
kalau kulitnya di iris ada getah putih seperti susu, tidak berbuah, biji, bijinya berwarna coklat, daun berselang seling (3 cm panjangnya), kulitnya bercak-bercak.
Not given
Not given
Seeds are not with pressed specimen but sent separate.
No indonesian notes given
Plant/specimen uses now includes materials from the CDB. Does this connection make sense?
The uses section lists what this specimen is used for in the cultural group(s) where the specimen was collected.
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Motif information is coming from CDB. Clicking on the image will take the user to the CDB motif show page in new tab. NOTE: the motif has to already exist in the CDB.
The motifs section lists the motifs, from the cultural group(s) where the specimen was collected, that represent this specimen.
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