Specimen Details: IMM 034

IMM 034
Hodgsonia macrocarpa
No local names given
No english names given
No indonesian names given
01 Oct 2006
No assistant collector given
Umin Jaya, Dedai, Sintang (Regency), Kalimantan
Small limestone hill, a 20 minute walk from Umin village.
Bukit kecil berkapur, dengan jarak 20 menit dari kampung Umin.
Peat forest
Forest agriculture
Some disturbance
Not given
50 meters
Not recorded
Gentle (2-10ยก)
Not recorded
None (level)
Seasonally Dry
Located on Small limestone hill, a 20 minute walk from Umin village. Drainage: seasonally dry. Not found in rubber agroforesty system, seemed to be restricted to hills or base of hills.
Lokasinya berada dibukit kecil berkapur, berada 20 menit dari kampung Umin. Simtem pengairannya kadang-kadang kering. Tidak ditemukan diperkebunan karet, tumbuh diatas bukit atau dibawah bukit.
Vine grows up into the forest canopy. Large fruits (approx 10 cm diameter). Very large seed, oil rich tendrils on stem, leaves alternate. Specimen of seed collected at different time (a year later) from the same tree.
tumbuhan melata yang yang tumbuh diatas pohon yang rimbun. Buah besar( diameterkira-kira 10 cm). Bijinya besar banyak mengandung minyak , daunnya selang seling. Biji spesimen yang diambil pada waktu berbeda (I tahun sesudahnya) dari pohon yang sama.
Squirrels eat oil rich seed.
Tupai suka makan bijinya yang kaya akan minyak.
Seed is collected separate from the pressed specimen.
No indonesian notes given
Plant/specimen uses now includes materials from the CDB. Does this connection make sense?
The uses section lists what this specimen is used for in the cultural group(s) where the specimen was collected.
No uses given
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Determination Date
12 Nov 2008
macrocarpa (Blume) Cogn.
RBG - Kew
Tim Utteridge
30 Oct 2008
Your collection is a perfect match to our material of this species, especially the leaf size and shape, the set of small glands at the base of the lamina between the veins, and the seed size and shape. Determine number at Kew K000734172
No indonesian notes given
Drawer 1