In the garden of Rosalia Bubu, on a mountain slope near a stream.
Di kebun Mama Rosalia Bubu, di lereng bukit dekat mata air
Lowland forest
Forest agriculture
Some disturbance
2 meters
400 meters
Moderate (10-45ยก)
River/Stream bank
Agroforest with Areca catechu and Aleuritus moluccana, scattered understorey. Drainage: river/stream bank. Soil: Clay rich soils.
Di kebun dengan pinang dan kemiri,menyebar di bawah naungan . Tumbuh di tepi sungai/. Tanahnya liat dan berhumus.
Rough leaves with uneven edges and no distinct scent to leaves.Very long petioles. Yellow flower, small round green fruit.
Daunnya kasar dengan tepi yang tidak sama dan tidak berbau. Tangai daunnya panjang. Berbunga kuning, berbuah hijau kecil dan bulat.
Not given
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The motifs section lists the motifs, from the cultural group(s) where the specimen was collected, that represent this specimen.
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Determination Date
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RBG - Kew
30 Oct 2008
No record that determination has been received.
No indonesian notes given
31 Aug 2010
No species given
RBG - Kew
Tim Utteridge
31 Aug 2010
No english notes given
No indonesian notes given
30 Nov 2012
cf. Philippinensis (Merr.) Welzen
RBG - Kew
G. Challen
31 Aug 2010
Final determination by G. Challen, number of determination at KEW is K000733722