Specimen Details: IMM 079

IMM 079
Pterospermum heyneanum Wall.
No local names given
No english names given
No indonesian names given
28 Sep 2007
Tapobali, Wulandoni, Lembata (Regency), Lembata (Island)
Coastal garden owned by family of Bapak Yohanes Beda Lebuan
Tubuh di kebun pinggir pantai milik Pak Yohanes Beda Lebuan.
Farming land
Some disturbance
2 meters
Not given
Level (0-2ยก)
Full sun
Well Drained
Seaside cultivated garden. Drainage: well drained. Soil: rocky soil.
Tumbuh di kebun pinggir pantai. Pengairan bagus. Tanahnya berkarang.
Both sides of leaf, stem, and petiole covered in fine short hair. Leaf apex pointy and spiky.
Kedua sisi daun, batang dan tangkainya ditumbuhi bulu-bulu halus. Ujung daunnya lancip dan berduri.
Not given
Not given
According to weavers in Tapobali, the flower is used as a motif in their textiles. New specimen is needed with fruit or flowers
No indonesian notes given
Plant/specimen uses now includes materials from the CDB. Does this connection make sense?
The uses section lists what this specimen is used for in the cultural group(s) where the specimen was collected.
No uses given
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Determination Date
31 Aug 2010
No species given
RBG - Kew
Tim Utteridge
31 Aug 2010
No english notes given
No indonesian notes given
22 Aug 2016
heyneanum Wall.
RBG - Kew
Rogier de Kok
23 Aug 2011
This is the first record of this species for Indonesia. The plant is natives to India where it is cultivated. It is not known from any other area in Sounth East Asia. So it is interesting that it turns up cultivated in Lembata. (Rogier De Kok, by email on August 22, 2016)
Spesimen ini adalah yang pertama dari Indonesia. Tumbuhan ini asalnya dari India dimana tumbuhan ini dibudidayakan. Tumbuhan ini diketahui tidak ada di daerah manapun di Asia Tenggara. Sehingga sangat menarik bahwa tumbuhan ini ditemukan di Lembata. (Info dari Rogier De Kok via email pada 22 Agustus 2016
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