Specimen Details: IMM 080

IMM 080
Ceriops decandra
No local names given
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30 Sep 2007
Nawa Teu, Magepanda, Sikka, Flores
Nawa Teu - mangrove rehabilitation area.
Nawa Teu- daerah rehabilitasi Bakau
Mangrove forest
Some disturbance
3 meters
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Level (0-2ยก)
Full sun
Not given
Tidal sea mangroves. Nawa Teu, a newly rehabilitated mangrove area, sheltered by mountains on East side. Still has many other mangrove species in area. Drainage: sea/estuary/lagoon.
Daerah pasang yang ditumbuhi Bakau. Nawa Teu, daerah baru yang dijadikan tempat rehabilitasi Bakau, dinaungi oleh gunung disebelah Timurnya. Masih terdapat banyak spesies pohon Bakau di daerah tersebut. Kelembaban tanahnya: di lagoon/ estuari/laut
Fruit is 16cm long, thin, cylindrical, green. White flower, peduncle brown 2cm. Leaves 8cm long, obovate. Petiole 2 cm.
Ukuran buahnya 16cm, tipis, berbentuk silinder, berwarna hijau. Bunganya putih,peduncle berwarna cokelat 2cm. Daunya 8cm panjangnya,obovate. Petiole 2 cm.
Overharvested throughout Indonesia. Now only found in protected areas like national parks. Bark is often stripped from entire plant resulting in death of the mangove. Pollinator: stingless bee
Not given
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