Location: 300 meters from Tendabera. Close to river. Agroforestry and secondary forest. Near cut down tree. Drainage: seasonally wet. Soil: volcanic.
Lokasi: 300 meter dari Kampung Tendabera dengan sungai. Pertanian dalam hutan dan hutan sekunder, dekat dengan lokasi penebangan hutan. Drainase: kering di musih panas. Tanah vulkanis.
Re-seeds itself. Rough, pointy, hairy leaves. White flowers. Green fruit with a slightly brown tip when mature.
Tumbuh sendiri dari biji. Daun bulat dan berbulu. Bunga putih. Buah hijau dengan sedikit bercak coklat saat buah tua.
Wild pigeons eat fruit.
Merpati liar makan buahnya.
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The motifs section lists the motifs, from the cultural group(s) where the specimen was collected, that represent this specimen.
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