Gardens and yards. Drainage: well-drained. Soil: dry limestone.
Kebun dan pekarangan rumah. Dapat aliran air yang mencukupi. Jenis tanah berkapur
Soft green leaves, pointed tips. Multiple tiny yellow flowers. Fruit yellow when young, brown when old, small and rounded.
Daunnya lembut berwarna hijau bintik bintik. Bunga kuning majemuk. Buah kuning saat muda dan berubah coklat kalau sudah tua. Buah kecil dan bulat.
Not given
Not given
Spesimen dibuang karena tidak ada buah atau bunga, juga sudah ada pengganti IMM 166
No indonesian notes given
Plant/specimen uses now includes materials from the CDB. Does this connection make sense?
The uses section lists what this specimen is used for in the cultural group(s) where the specimen was collected.
No uses given
Motif information is coming from CDB. Clicking on the image will take the user to the CDB motif show page in new tab. NOTE: the motif has to already exist in the CDB.
The motifs section lists the motifs, from the cultural group(s) where the specimen was collected, that represent this specimen.
No motifs given
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