In the garden of Rosalia Bubu, behind her house, and near a small river [Translation]
Kebun Mama Rosalia Bubu, dibelakang rumahnya, dekat dengan sungai kecil.
Farming land
Some disturbance
7 meters
387 meters
Moderate (10-45ยก)
Not given
Not given
The area was previously forest and there are still many large trees. The area around the tree is moist, the clay is black. [Translation]
Daerah tumbuh lembab, tanahnya hitam, dulunya hutan, dan masih bisa dilihat pohon pohon besar.
Flowers are white with five petals. Flowers develop directly on the fruit. The fruit is the size of a ping-pong ball. [Translation]
Berbunga putih dengan 5 kelopak, bunganya terletak pada buah, buahnya berukuran sebesar bola pingpong.
Seed, seedlings, transplanting the roots, and from cuttings.
Biji, stek akar, dan batang
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No indonesian notes given
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The motifs section lists the motifs, from the cultural group(s) where the specimen was collected, that represent this specimen.
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