Kapas Bali grows outside road infront of Karya's house, under the Lannea grandis Plant.
Kapas Bali tumbuh diseberang jalan didepan rumah Pak Karya, dibawah pohon Lannea grandis
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Farming land
Some disturbance
2 meters
200 meters
Gentle (2-10ยก)
Full sun
Not given
Not given
Kapas Bali cotton grows in dry areas, drainage seasonal. It's usually planted along the border of the garden.
Kapas Bali tumbuh didaerah kering, pengairannya musiman. Biasanya tanaman ini tanam di pinggir kebun.
Not given
batangnya berwarna coklat, batang dan daun berbulu halus. Bunga saat muda berwarna ping dan tua berwarna kuning kemerahan.
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The motifs section lists the motifs, from the cultural group(s) where the specimen was collected, that represent this specimen.
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