The local name for this tree is Hau Sisi. Found along a low laying forest that has been turned into a road.
Nama lokal Hau Sisi. Hutan dataran rendah yg dijadikan jalan raya
The front of the leaf is green and shiney the backside is more white. The flowers appear just above the place where the leaves come out. The flower is yellowish green and when it matures it become black.
Daun permukaan warna hijau mengkilap bagian bawah lebih putih. Bunga tumbuh dari atas ketiak daun. Bunga berwarna kuning kehijauan kalau sudah tua berwarna hitam.
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RBG - Kew
Rogier de Kok
26 Aug 2011
Rogier de Kok identified this as the Flacortiaceae family while in hospital in Bali after trip to Timor with YPBB team Aug 1 - 15, 2011