The local name for this tree is Hu'ek. Found where what was a forest but has been made into a road.
Nama lokal Hu'ek. Bekas hutan datar rendah dijadikan jalan raya
The bark is white and flakes off when old. The fruit comes out of the part of the branch above the leaf. The young fruit is green and then when it matures it is black. The flower when mature is brown.
Kulit pohon warna putih, terkelupas jika sudah tua, Buah muncul dari atas ketiak daun, buah muda warna hijau. Jika buah sudah tua berwarn hitam. Warna bung kalau sudah tua merah kecoklatan.
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Plant/specimen uses now includes materials from the CDB. Does this connection make sense?
The uses section lists what this specimen is used for in the cultural group(s) where the specimen was collected.
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Motif information is coming from CDB. Clicking on the image will take the user to the CDB motif show page in new tab. NOTE: the motif has to already exist in the CDB.
The motifs section lists the motifs, from the cultural group(s) where the specimen was collected, that represent this specimen.
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