Specimen Details: IMM 129

IMM 129
Oroxylum indicum
No local names given
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No indonesian names given
05 Sep 2011
No assistant collector given
Boti, Kie, TTS, Timor
Alongside the road that leads to Oe Upun and Susi Usapi
Dipinggir jalan menugu Oe Upun dan Susi Usapi
Lowland forest
Largely undisturbed
10 meters
536 meters
Moderate (10-45ยก)
Full sun
Not given
Not given
The local name for this tree is Sone bnao.
Nama lokal pohon ini Sone banao
The stem of the flower is 95cm. The leaf stems are 106 cm. The calyx is fixed and the fruit hangs down. The fruit is 71 cm long and 7.5 cem wide. The flesh of the fruit is dark brown to black. When the fruit is mature it turns a dark brown. Also the fruit splits when it ages. The seeds are winged.
Tangkai bunga panjannya 95 cm. Tankai unduk daun 106 cm setiap anak tankai daun bertankai 4 atau berdaun maiemuk rangkap 4 (compound). Kelopak buah permanen (keras) dan buahnya tergantung. Panjang buah 71 cm lebar 7.5 cm pipih warna coklat kehitaman, buah masih muda, kalau tua warna coklat tua. Buah kalau sudah tua akan terbelah. Bijinya bersayap
seeds are spread by wind
biji di tebang oleh angin
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Plant/specimen uses now includes materials from the CDB. Does this connection make sense?
The uses section lists what this specimen is used for in the cultural group(s) where the specimen was collected.
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Determination Date
No date given
No genus given
No species given
RBG - Kew
Tim Utteridge
26 Aug 2011
Tim Utteridge identified this while in Timor on field trip with YPBB staff August 1 - 15, 2011
No indonesian notes given
01 Dec 2012
indicum (L.) Kurz
RBG - Kew
Rogier de Kok
26 Aug 2011
Final determination by Rogier de Kok. Number of determination at Kew is K000734239
No indonesian notes given
Drawer 1