Near the coral rehabilatation area of Tablolong climbing a tree 3 meter tall
Didekat perangkaran kerang laut Tablolong, merambat di pohon yang tingginya 3 meter
Lowland forest
Largely undisturbed
3 meters
9 meters
Gentle (2-10ยก)
Full sun
Not given
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The fruit when young are green with fine hairs. The flower is green as a bud and then blooms with yellowish green color. The leaves have an oily feel. The seeds when young are orang and when old turn black
Tanaman merambat. Buah muda warna hijau bulu halus. Bunga warna hijau waktu mekar, bunga belum mekar warna hijau kekuningan. Pada daun ada kelenjar minyak. Biji mudea warna orange, kalau sudah tua warna hitam.
Not given
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Plant/specimen uses now includes materials from the CDB. Does this connection make sense?
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Motif information is coming from CDB. Clicking on the image will take the user to the CDB motif show page in new tab. NOTE: the motif has to already exist in the CDB.
The motifs section lists the motifs, from the cultural group(s) where the specimen was collected, that represent this specimen.
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Determination Date
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RBG - Kew
Tim Utteridge
26 Aug 2011
Tim Utteridge identified this plant while in Timor with YPBB team August 1 - 15, 2011
No indonesian notes given
01 Dec 2012
Repandus (Rottler) Mull.Arg
RBG - Kew
G. Challen
01 Dec 2011
Final determination by G. Challen. Number of determination at Kew is K000733723