Specimen Details: IMM 177

IMM 177
Secamone maritima Blume
No local names given
No english names given
No indonesian names given
18 Oct 2011
Onelako, Ndona, Ende, Flores
In the YPBB dye garden in Ubud
De kebun tumbuhan alam di Ubud
Household land
Heavily disturbed
Not given
250 meters
Level (0-2ยก)
None (level)
Not given
Not given
This plant was transplanted from a garden in Ndona, Flores and brought to Ubud.
Tumbuhan ini di bawah dari Ndona Flores dan di tanam di kebun YPBB, Ubud Bali
yellow flowers, opposite leaves
bunga kuning dan daun berjajar
Not given
Not given
Specimen sent to Kew was only one collected by Tony. YPBB has only a photo of this specimen
No indonesian notes given
Plant/specimen uses now includes materials from the CDB. Does this connection make sense?
The uses section lists what this specimen is used for in the cultural group(s) where the specimen was collected.
No uses given
To see all the data about the determination, click the arrow at the end of the row.
Determination Date
10 Oct 2011
No species given
RBG - Kew
Rogier de Kok
30 Sep 2011
Rogier identified this as Tabernaemontana pandacaqui Poir. This was later re identified by Jens Klackenberg in December 2011 and the above id was given
No indonesian notes given
15 Dec 2011
maritima Blume
RBG - Kew
Marie Briggs
10 Nov 2011
Marie Briggs sent this for positive id to Jens Klackenberg on December 15, 2011. J. Klackenberg quote "As far as judge from the photo, this is what usually has been known as Toxocarpus elmeri Meriil (described from Borneo), which, however, i think is conspecific to (not published yet) Secamone maritama Blume (described from Java). But without analysing the flowers in details, this is of course only a guess, although rather good I think"
No indonesian notes given
In Process