Specimen Details: JMH 004

JMH 004
Ludwigia adscendens
No local names given
No english names given
13 May 2013
Milli, Toianas, TTS, Timor
Grows in the buffalow hole in the grassland
Tumbuh di kubangan kerbau di padang rumput
Montane forest
Grazing land
Largely undisturbed
Not given
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Level (0-2ยก)
Full sun
None (level)
Not given
Not given
It creeps in the buffalo hole. This shrub only grows in swamp and muddy areas. Probbaly this shrub contains an essence that make the mud has better quality so the mud dye process produce better color
Merambat diatas kubangan lumpur dan hanya tumbuh di daerah rawa dan berlumpur. Kemungkinan semak ini yang mengandung zat yang membuat kualitas lumpur menjadi lebih bagus sehingga menghasilkan warna hitam lumpur yang lebih bagus
Has white flower and oval leaf
Memiliki bunga berwarna putih dan daun berbentuk lonjong.
Not given
Not given
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No uses given
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Determination Date
24 Jul 2013
adscendens (L.) H. Hara
RBG - Kew
Rogier de Kok
01 Jun 2013
No english notes given
No indonesian notes given
In Process