Specimen Details: IMM 090

IMM 090
Secamone maritima Blume
No local names given
No english names given
No indonesian names given
29 Oct 2008
No assistant collector given
Ubud (Village), Ubud (District), Gianyar (Regency), Bali
Natural dye garden at Jalan Bisma #3 Ubud Bali
Kebun YPBB di Jalan Bisma #3 Ubud, Bali
Lowland forest
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Level (0-2ยก)
Full sun
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This plant winding in other plant, leaves opposite. Leaves green, flower yellow, compund, 5-merous. Flower grows in the stipules. Old flower brown. White sap.
Pohon ini melilit pada pohon lain, daun saling berseberangan, lancip, lebar daun 3,5 cm dan panjang 10 cm. Daun berwarna hijau, bunga kuning, majemuk, 5 kelopak bunga, putik lancip dengan warna putih kekuningan. Bunga tumbuh di tempat tumbuhnya tangkai daun. Bunga yang tua berwarna coklat, batangnyabila dipotong mengeluarkan getah putih.
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Plant/specimen uses now includes materials from the CDB. Does this connection make sense?
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No uses given
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Determination Date
No date given
maritima Blume
RBG - Kew
not given
No english notes given
No indonesian notes given
Drawer 1