Grows in Yusuf Oematan's house yard, in the edge of the road to village office
Tumbuh di pekarangan rumah Yusuf Oematan dan berada tepat dipinggir jalan desa menuju kantor desa
Montane forest
Household land
Some disturbance
3 meters
1000 meters
Gentle (2-10ยก)
Full sun
None (level)
Not given
Not given
Not given
Not given
Stem with spines, young fruit is green and will turn to orange when its matture. The fruit is eaten by the sparrows or the other birds
Batang berduri, buah hijau saat muda dan berubah jadi orange jika sudah tua.Buahnya menjadi makanan burung pipit dan burung lainnya
Not given
Not given
No english notes given
No indonesian notes given
Plant/specimen uses now includes materials from the CDB. Does this connection make sense?
The uses section lists what this specimen is used for in the cultural group(s) where the specimen was collected.
No uses given
Motif information is coming from CDB. Clicking on the image will take the user to the CDB motif show page in new tab. NOTE: the motif has to already exist in the CDB.
The motifs section lists the motifs, from the cultural group(s) where the specimen was collected, that represent this specimen.
No motifs given
To see all the data about the determination, click the arrow at the end of the row.
Determination Date
14 Jul 2015
RBG - Kew
Rogier de Kok
05 Jun 2015
No english notes given
Identifikasi diberikan oleh Rogier de Kok via email