Specimen Details: JMH 008

JMH 008
Gossypium arboreum
No local names given
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No indonesian names given
23 Sep 2016
Boti, Kie, TTS, Timor
Garden in the backyard of royal palace the place where Boti women pounded corn, boil water, wash the cooking and eating dishes and a place to relax
Kebun dibelakang sonaf, tempat perempuan Boti menumbuk jagung, memasak air, mencuci alat masak dan makan serta duduk beristirahat
Montane forest
Household land
Some disturbance
2 meters
600 meters
Level (0-2ยก)
Full sun
Not given
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When first grow leaf is heart shape but when it getting older the shape turn to palmate and sharpher.
Daun saat baru tumbuh berbentuk hati tapi kalau sudah tua berbentuk palem dan ujungnya runcing. Biji serat mudah dilepas (tidak perlu memakai bninis) dan tidak perlu dihaluskan.
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Plant/specimen uses now includes materials from the CDB. Does this connection make sense?
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No uses given
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Determination Date
09 Feb 2017
arboreum L.
var obsifolium (Roxb.) Roberty
RBG - Kew
Rogier de Kok
30 Sep 2016
This determination is sent by Rogier via email on Feb 9, 2017. According to Rogier, this form of cotton was used to be grown all through South East Asia. It was first mentioned by Rhumpius. Now it replaced by more modern forms of cotton in almost all of Indonesia. According to literature, it is used in some areas of South Sumatra, some part of Java, Sulawesi and the Mollucas and in the Lesser Sunda islands.
Determinasi ini disampaikan oleh Rogier via email pada 9 Februari 2017. Menurut Rogier, jenis kapas ini dulu tumbuh di seluruh wilayah Asia Tenggara. Pertama kali diperkenalkan oleh Rhumpius. Sekarang kapas ini digantikan oleh jenis yang lebih modern di seluruh Indonesia. Menurut literatur-literatur jenis ini ada di beberapa wilayah Sumatra, beberapa wilayah Jawa, Sulawesi dan Maluku serta Pulau Lesser Sunda.
In Process