Specimen Details: TLS 002

TLS 002
Dicranopteris linearis
No local names given
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25 May 2018
No assistant collector given
Rantau Prapat, Embaloh Hulu, Kapuas Hulu, Kalimantan
Grows near Mariana Renda's garden about 2 km from Lauk Rugun village, near the main road to Kampung Mungguk
Tumbuh di delat ladang milik Mariana Renda, sekitar 2 km dari dusun Lauk Rugun, dekat jalan raya arah ke kampung Mungguk
Lowland forest
Farming land
Heavily disturbed
2 meters
200 meters
Level (0-2ยก)
Full sun
Not given
Not given
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The diameter Resam is maximum 0.5-1.5 cm, bark of the stem is hard, the section sharp, fine leaf with browny colour. It usually vine in other tree
Diameter batang maksimum 0.5-1.5 cm, kulit batang keras, patahan atau belahan kulit batang tajam, daun halus berwarna agak coklat. Tumbuhan ini kalau sudah tinggi lebih suka merambat pada pohon lain
Not given
Not given
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Drawer 1