Plant: Grewia eriocarpa

Grewia eriocarpa
No english names given
No indonesian names given
No english notes given
No indonesian notes given
Plant names will not be accurate until the relationships between cultural groups, locations & languages are completed. Names, including english & indonesian, are added via the plant edit view.
Local Name
Cultural Group
Sereja fuik
No cultural group given
Plant uses now includes materials from the CDB. Does this connection make sense? Uses are added via the plant edit view.
Cultural Group
Part Used
Dyeing process
No cultural group given
No material given
No parts given
Joanna da Fonseca
I Wayan Sukadana
20 May 2009
Bark is used in red dye process when there is no morinda (Joanina Marques). Greweia identified from tetun dye list given by Tony.
Kulit di pakai untuk warna merah kalau tidak ada Morinda (menerut Joanina Marques)