Plant: Homalanthus novoguinensis

Homalanthus novoguinensis
No english names given
Jarak pati
No english notes given
No indonesian notes given
Plant names will not be accurate until the relationships between cultural groups, locations & languages are completed. Names, including english & indonesian, are added via the plant edit view.
Local Name
Cultural Group
Timor - Amanuban
Uab Meto
Source: extracted from herbarium spreadsheet 24-Mar-10
Sulawesi - To Mangki Karataun
Source: extracted from herbarium spreadsheet 24-Mar-10
No cultural group given
Dictionary of Plant Names in the Lesser Sunda Islands
Plant uses now includes materials from the CDB. Does this connection make sense? Uses are added via the plant edit view.
Cultural Group
Part Used
Dyeing process
Timor - Mollo
No material given
No parts given
Benekdus Ebeng
Willy Daos Kadati
02 Jul 2007
Leaves used in the black dye process. Leaves are bolied, then threads are immersed into mixture. Once removed from the mixture, threads are immersed in mud to become black.
Dyeing process
Sulawesi - To Mangki Karataun
No material given
No parts given
Nurhayati Masika
I Made Maduarta (Pung)
12 Apr 2005
Bark, leaf and stem of plant is used in the production of black dye. The yarn and the bark, leaves and stems are soaked in hot water for approximately one hour until the light brown color leaches out of the materials. Then the leaves, stem and bark are taken out and the yarn is put in the colored water. The yarn is then removed from the water and soaked in mud for two days.
Kulit, daun dan tangkai bilante dipakai dalam proses pembuatan warna hitam. Bilante di rebus dalam selama 1 jam sampai airnya berwarna coklat terang. Matikan kompor Lalu kulit, daun dan tangkai bilante dibuang. Masukkan benang pada campuran air bilante.
Dyeing process
Timor - Mollo
No material given
No parts given
No informant given
Jean Howe
No date given
Bark of matoi is used for black colour. The bark is boil, and matoi water is mixed with mud. Threads are dyed in the mud to get black colour. Do this process repeatly to get desired black colour.
Kulit batang matoi digunakan dalam proses warna hitam. Kulit direbus lalu air rebusan dicampur dengan lumpur lalu benang diremas-remas hingga warna benang menjadi hitam. Proses ini dilakukan berulang-ulang sampai mendapatkan warna yang diinginkan.
Timor - Mollo
No material given
No parts given
No Colour Selected
No informant given
Jean Howe
No date given
Used as firewood
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