Plant: Calamus draco

Calamus draco
Dragons Blood
No english notes given


Plant names will not be accurate until the relationships between cultural groups, locations & languages are completed. Names, including english & indonesian, are added via the plant edit view.
Local Name
Cultural Group
No cultural group given
Timor - Amanuban
Uab Meto
Timor - Amanuban
Uab Meto
Plant uses now includes materials from the CDB. Does this connection make sense? Uses are added via the plant edit view.
Cultural Group
Part Used
Fibre & fibre craft
Flores - Ende-lio
No material given
No parts given
No Colour Selected
No informant given
Nuryati Benu
09 Sep 2009
Used for making chairs and tables
Used to make house hold furniture such us chair, table etc
Dyeing process
Kalimantan - Dayak Desa
No material given
No color given
Thalu Lius
Antoneta Ku
25 Mar 2024

Apart from senggang and bamboo, the red dye, namely jernang (deonorops draco), has become increasingly popular. This plant grows in its original habitat where there are still trees, while in the natural forest only about 2 ha remains. The rest is privately owned oil palm land. We visited the forest there and found that there were only no more than 5 trees left of this plant. According to one of the residents we invited to look for this plant, he said that because the forest had been converted into oil palm land, this directly resulted in the difficulty of growing jernang plants, apart from that, the harvest method used by the community, namely by cutting directly on the jernang stems, caused this plant to die. . According to him, to harvest the fruit, just cut it at the stalk, not the stem. However, because this jernang is like rattan which spreads along the tree trunk and the fruit is at the end, sometimes people don't want to bother so they cut it directly at the tree, which causes the tree to die.


Selain senggang dan bamboo, bahan pewarna merah yaitu jernang (deonorops draco) sudah semakin langkah. Tanaman ini tumbuh dihabitat asli yang masih ada pohon-pohon sementara di kelumbik hutan alami hanya tersisa sekita 2 ha. Sisanya adalah lahan sawit milik swasta. Kami berkunjung ke hutan ada dan mendapatkan tanaman ini hanya tersisa tidak lebih dari 5 pohon. Menurut salah satu penduduk yang kami ajak untuk mencari tumbuhan ini dia mengatakan bahwa karena hutan yang sudah dijadikan lahan sawit secara langsung berakibat dengan semakin sulitnya tanaman jernang, selain itu juga cara panen yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat yaitu dengan menebang langsung pada batang jernang menyebabkan tumbuhan ini mati. Seharusnya menurut dia untuk memanen buahnya cukup dipotong pada tangkai buahnya bukan pada batangnya,. Namun karena jernang ini seperti rotan yang menjalar pada batang pohon dan buahnya pada bagian ujung sehingga terkadang masyarakat tidak mau repot sehingga langsung ditebang pada pohonya yangmenyebabkan pohonya mati.

Field Note; (2024-07-10); Adolfince Ea with Yansen Alfred Tuan; 100; 125




Field Note; (2024-07-17); Adriana Benu with Adriana Benu; ;

Test and Test and test lagi

No indonesian note given Field Note; (2024-07-10); Adolfince Ea with Adolfince Ea; 100; 440




Field Note; (2024-07-11); Adriana Benu with Adolfina Seran; 100; 700

testing and testing

No indonesian note given Field Note; (2024-07-10); Adriana Benu with I Gede Parmite; 300; 440