Plant: Phyllanthus reticulatus

Phyllanthus reticulatus
Seaside laurel
Pohon tinta
No english notes given
No indonesian notes given
Plant names will not be accurate until the relationships between cultural groups, locations & languages are completed. Names, including english & indonesian, are added via the plant edit view.
Local Name
Cultural Group
Mek meko
Timor - Amarasi
Source: extracted from herbarium spreadsheet 24-Mar-10
Timor - Amanuban
Uab Meto
Source: extracted from herbarium spreadsheet 24-Mar-10
Meko (Dawan language) heard as buah tinta (ink fruit). Called Mek Meko in Amarasi.
No cultural group given
Dictionary of Plant Names in the Lesser Sunda Islands
Sumba - Lewa-Kambera
Dictionary of Plant Names in the Lesser Sunda Islands
Ndoréng ndorik
No cultural group given
Dictionary of Plant Names in the Lesser Sunda Islands
Li'é logo
Flores - Bajawa/Ngada
Dictionary of Plant Names in the Lesser Sunda Islands
Taga kolo
Flores - Bajawa/Ngada
Dictionary of Plant Names in the Lesser Sunda Islands
Mboko ronggo
No cultural group given
Dictionary of Plant Names in the Lesser Sunda Islands
Tánda malangu
Sumba - Lewa-Kambera
Dictionary of Plant Names in the Lesser Sunda Islands
Lolô tobi
Flores - Lamaholot
Dictionary of Plant Names in the Lesser Sunda Islands
Tobi makî
Flores - Lamaholot
Dictionary of Plant Names in the Lesser Sunda Islands
No cultural group given
Studi Banding penenun Timor Aid dan Alola Foundation di Kelompok Putri Tunggal, Loo Neke tanggal 13-15 Juli 2010
No cultural group given
No language given
Studi Banding penenun Timor Aid dan Alola Foundation di Kelompok Putri Tunggal, Loo Neke tanggal 13-15 Juli 2010
No cultural group given
Studi Banding penenun Timor Aid dan Alola Foundation di Kelompok Putri Tunggal, Loo Neke tanggal 13-15 Juli 2010
Tetun Tarik
No cultural group given
Los Palos
No cultural group given
Lohorai-Timor Leste
Plant uses now includes materials from the CDB. Does this connection make sense? Uses are added via the plant edit view.
Cultural Group
Part Used
Dyeing process
Timor - Amarasi
No material given
No parts given
Dark blue
Robert Koroh
I Made Maduarta (Pung)
23 Apr 2006
Leaves are used in the process to darken the indigo dye. The leaves are boiled and the boiled water is then used to dye the yarn. Later mud is added.
Daun digunakan untuk membuat warna biru indigo menjadi semakin gelap. Daunnya direbus lalu benang dimasukan ke dalam air rebusan. Setelah dicelup pada rebusan daun ini lalu benang dicelup dalam lumpur.
Dyeing process
Timor - Amanatun
No material given
No parts given
Rabeka Mellu
Willy Daos Kadati
28 May 2007
The leaves are used in mud dyeing to deepen black color.
Daun dipakai dalam proses warna hitam lumpur untuk membuat warna hitam semakin gelap.
Dyeing process
Timor - Amarasi
No material given
No parts given
Katerina Neparasi Siga
Willy Daos Kadati
05 Jun 2010
Leaves of Mek Meko is boild and put yarn on the boiled Mek Meko. After that dye in the mud. Do this repeately to get desire black colour.
Daun Mek meko direbus, air rebusan dipakai untuk mencelup benang, benang dicelup dan diremas-remas dalam lumpur. Hasilnya bila dilakukan berulang-ulang akan menjadi hitam.
Dyeing process
No cultural group given
No material given
No parts given
Ruben Nitbani
Willy Daos Kadati
16 Sep 2011
The leaves are boiled and the boiled water is then used to wash the yarn before dye into the mud which is contains iron. This process repeat 12x until get deepen black color.
Daun Klan/Kalan direbus, air rebusan dipakai untuk mencuci benang sebelum dicelup ke lumpur yang mengandung zat besi. Proses ini diulang-ulang sampai 12x untuk dapatkan warna hitam.
Dyeing process
No cultural group given
No material given
No parts given
Ruben Nitbani
Willy Daos Kadati
16 Sep 2011
The leaves are boiled and the boiled water is then used to wash the yarn before dye into the mud which is contains iron. This process repeat 12x until get deepen black color.
Daun Klan/Kalan direbus, air rebusan dipakai untuk mencuci benang sebelum dicelup ke lumpur yang mengandung zat besi. Proses ini diulang-ulang sampai 12x untuk dapatkan warna hitam.