Plant: Mallotus philippensis

Mallotus philippensis
Red Kamala
No indonesian names given

Timor Helong mordant process leaves

No indonesian notes given
Plant names will not be accurate until the relationships between cultural groups, locations & languages are completed. Names, including english & indonesian, are added via the plant edit view.
Local Name
Cultural Group
Timor - Amanuban
Uab Meto
Plant uses now includes materials from the CDB. Does this connection make sense? Uses are added via the plant edit view.
Cultural Group
Part Used
Timor - Amanuban
No material given
No parts given
No Colour Selected
No informant given
I Made Maduarta (Pung)
03 Aug 2011
The wood is used as firewood
Kayunya untuk kayu bakar
Oiling/mordant process
Timor - Amarasi
No material given
No parts given
No informant given
Jean Howe
02 May 2013
Leaves are pounded to make powder and add to other ingredient in green dye process
Daun tua ditumbuk menjadi bubuk lalu ditambahkan pada campuran warna hijau