Plant names will not be accurate until the relationships
between cultural groups, locations & languages are completed. Names, including english &
indonesian, are added via the plant edit view.
Local Name
Cultural Group
Kunu rote
Source: extracted from herbarium spreadsheet 24-Mar-10
No cultural group given
Source: extracted from herbarium spreadsheet 24-Mar-10
Plant uses now includes materials from the CDB. Does this
connection make sense? Uses are added via the plant edit view.
Cultural Group
Part Used
Dyeing process
Flores - Ende-lio
No material given
No parts given
No Colour Selected
Ita Yusuf
I Made Maduarta (Pung)
22 Sep 2006
Plant used during indigo mixing process (Ngili).
Daun,tangkai ditumbuk setelah hancur dicampur dengan pasta indigo dan gunakan untuk untuk mencelup.
Dyeing process
No material given
No parts given
No Colour Selected
Getreda Kana Koy
I Komang Sujata
02 May 2009
Leaves used to wash threads before they are dyed blue so they don't smell. Leaves are soaked in the water, the leaves are then discarded and the threads are washed in the water. The threads take on the yellow colour of the water. Tony Cunningham also notes that leaves are pounded and soaked, this is used together with Lolo mea (IKS 022) the red Jatropha species.
Daunnya digunakan untuk mencuci benang sebelum dilakukan pencelupan warna biru supaya tidak berbau. Daun ini direndam didalam air, Kemudian daunnya dibuang dan selanjutnya airnya digunakan untuk mencuci benang. Benang ini menyerap warna kuning yang ada pada air tadi. Menurut catatan Tony Cunningham sebelum digunakan daun terlebih dahulu ditumbuk untuk kemudian direndam didalam air, daun ini digunakan bersama-sama Lolo mea (IKS 022) spesies jarak merah.
Motif information is coming from CDB. Clicking on the image
will take the user to the CDB motif show page in new tab. Motifs are added via the plant edit
view. Note: the motif has to exist already.
No motifs given
Specimens are added via the plant edit view or via specimens
index view.