Plant: Fimbristylis umbellaris (Lam.) Vahl.

Fimbristylis umbellaris (Lam.) Vahl.
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Plant names will not be accurate until the relationships between cultural groups, locations & languages are completed. Names, including english & indonesian, are added via the plant edit view.
Local Name
Cultural Group
Kalimantan - Dayak Desa
Dayak desa
Sulawesi - To Mangki Karataun
Plant uses now includes materials from the CDB. Does this connection make sense? Uses are added via the plant edit view.
Cultural Group
Part Used
Fibre & fibre craft
Kalimantan - Dayak Desa
No material given
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No Colour Selected
Jean Howe
26 Jul 2015
Leaves are harvest and dried in the sun only half dry so its easier to weave. Dried leaves are weave into a beautiful basket called Ketapu Laung
Daun dipanen lalu dijemur hingga setengah kering agar mudah di anyam. Setelah itu daun dianyam tanpa proses pembelahan seperti halnya bambu atau rotan atau bemban, menjadi anyaman yang disebut Katapu Laung.
Food & drink
Sulawesi - To Mangki Karataun
No material given
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No Colour Selected
Ni Made Desa Perwani
04 Jul 2018
Cow and buffalow like this plant.
Dimakan oleh tenak sapi dan kerbau
Fibre & fibre craft
Sulawesi - To Mangki Karataun
No material given
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No Colour Selected
No informant given
Ni Made Desa Perwani
No date given
The stem can produce fiber and it can be used to make sapa - food container to carry rice and the side disk when going to garden and rice field.
Tangkai diolah menjadi serat lalu dianyam menjadi sapa yaitu tempat membawa nasi dan lauk saat ke kebun dan sawah.