Morinda citrifolia, or better know as mengkudu, is a plant that has many benefits. The mengkudu is usually as medicinem, the fruit can be used as a traditional drink, and the roots can be used as a natural dye to obtain a red color. Apart from that, mangkudu leaves can also be used as food wrappers
Morinda citrifolia, atau yang lebih dikenal dengan sebutan Mengkudu, merupakan suatu tumbuhan yang memiliki banyak manfaat. Tumbuhan mengkudu biasanya dimanfaat untuk obat, buahnya dapat digunakan sebagai minuman tradisional, dan akarnya dapat digunakan untuk bahan pewarna alam untuk memperoleh warna merah. Selain itu daun mengkudu juga bisa digunakan sebagai pembungkus makanan.
Plant names will not be accurate until the relationships
between cultural groups, locations & languages are completed. Names, including english &
indonesian, are added via the plant edit view.
Local Name
Cultural Group
Bar uru aem
Timor - Amanuban
Uab Meto
Source: extracted from herbarium spreadsheet 24-Mar-10
Bar uru =Morinda, aem = garden
Bar uru = mengkudu, aem = kebun
Kebbo hidda
Source: extracted from herbarium spreadsheet 24-Mar-10
kebbo = Morinda, hidda = buffalo
kebbo = mengkudu, hidda = kerbau
Kebo hida
Source: extracted from herbarium spreadsheet 24-Mar-10
Kebo = Morinda, hida = buffalo
Kebo = Mengkudu, hida = kerbau
Jawa - Jawa Timur
Source: extracted from herbarium spreadsheet 24-Mar-10
Bali - Badung
Dye garden plant list
No cultural group given
Dictionary of Plant Names in the Lesser Sunda Islands
No cultural group given
Dictionary of Plant Names in the Lesser Sunda Islands
Kembo ka'o
No cultural group given
Wae Rana
Dictionary of Plant Names in the Lesser Sunda Islands
No cultural group given
Dictionary of Plant Names in the Lesser Sunda Islands
Kembo lako
No cultural group given
Dictionary of Plant Names in the Lesser Sunda Islands
No cultural group given
Dictionary of Plant Names in the Lesser Sunda Islands
Sumba - Lewa-Kambera
Dictionary of Plant Names in the Lesser Sunda Islands
Name uncertain
Flores - Lamaholot
Dictionary of Plant Names in the Lesser Sunda Islands
Keroré' kloré
Flores - Lamaholot
Dictionary of Plant Names in the Lesser Sunda Islands
Flores - Lamaholot
Dictionary of Plant Names in the Lesser Sunda Islands
No cultural group given
Dictionary of Plant Names in the Lesser Sunda Islands
Botan loré
No cultural group given
Dictionary of Plant Names in the Lesser Sunda Islands
Bo'ol botan
No cultural group given
Dictionary of Plant Names in the Lesser Sunda Islands
Baur Uru Aem
Timor - Amanuban
Uab Meto
Rosalia Bubu (Mama Rosa)
baur uru = Morinda, aem = to find
baur uru = mengkudu, aem = dicari
Kur manu
Timor - Amanuban
Uab Meto
Adolfina Seran
Kur manu terdiri dari kata Kur dan manu. Kur berarti mengkudu sedangkan manu berarti ayam. (WDK)
Kur fafi
Timor - Amanuban
Uab Meto
Adolfina Seran
kur = Morinda, fafi = pig
Kur fafi terdiri dari dua kata, Kur artinya Mengkudu dan fafi artinya babi.
Baur uru no'o mnutu
Timor - Amanuban
Uab Meto
Willy Daos Kadati
Baur uru = Morinda noo moutu = buah kecil
Bauk Ulu Aem
Timor - Amanuban
Uab Meto
Willhelmus s Kadati
Baur uru
Timor - Amanuban
Uab Meto
Bauk ulu
Timor - Amanuban
Uab Meto
Plant uses now includes materials from the CDB. Does this
connection make sense? Uses are added via the plant edit view.
Roots are pounded, water is added and squeezed out of the mix. Later Symplocos powder is added and put in the clay jar with the threads. Rootbark is used in the red dye process. This species is preferred as it produces a redder color.
Akarnya ditumbuk kemudian ditambahkan air dan diremas-remas agar tercampur rata. Kemudian dimasukan bubuk Symplocos dan kemudian masukan benang kedalam baskom. Kulit akarnya juga digunakan dalam proses warna merah. Spesies ini lebih diminati karena menghasilkan warna merah yang lebih bagus.
Root bark of this plant is preferred as it produces a good quality red dye. Tony Cunningham notes that this is the only chemotype used on Raijua, although both Kebo Hida and Kebo memo occur here.
Kulit akar tanaman lebih sukan digunakan dalam proses warna merah karena menghasikna kualitas warna merah yang sangat bagus. Menurut catatan Tony Cunningham tanaman ini memiliki kandungan yang lebih bagus dibandingkan dengan...
Dalam proses warna merah, benang yang sudaha diminyaki direndam dalam air hasil tumbukan akar Kur manu dan Loba. Kur manu dianggap sebagai mengkudu nomor satu karena kualitas warna yang bagus.
Digunakan dalam proses warna merah: benang yang sudah diminyaki di rendam dalam air hasil tumbukan akar Kur fafi dan Loba. Tapi akar ini memiliki kualitas dibawah Kur manu.
Dyeing process
Timor - Amanuban
No material given
No parts given
No color given
I Made Maduarta (Pung)
03 Aug 2011
The wood from the Sunaf tree is used as weaving equipment in this case, the drop spindle (Bninis)
Kayu Hau Sunaf dipakai untuk peralatan tenun; drop spindle called bninis locally
When the tufe abas blooms (white flower) then it's time to plant cotton (Gossypium sp.). When cotton plnat begins to bloom then place the seeds of tufe abas in hopes that it well be as abundant
Ketika tufe abas berbunga maka itu tanda bahwa sudah waktunya menyebar biji kapas. Jika pohon Kapas mulai berbunga biasanya biji tufe diletakkan di pohon kapas dengan harapan pohon kapas bisa menghasilkan serat yang banyak.
Motif information is coming from CDB. Clicking on the image
will take the user to the CDB motif show page in new tab. Motifs are added via the plant edit
view. Note: the motif has to exist already.
No motifs given
Specimens are added via the plant edit view or via specimens
index view.