Plant: Indigofera tinctoria

Indigofera tinctoria
True indigo

The Taum/Nila plant has a scientific name, namely (Indigofera tinctoria), This plant is commonly used as indigo dye in the NTT area. 

Tumbuhan Taum/Nila memiliki nama Ilmiah yaitu (Indigofera tinctoria), tumbuhan ini biasanya digunakan untuk bahan pewarna Indigo di daerah NTT

Plant names will not be accurate until the relationships between cultural groups, locations & languages are completed. Names, including english & indonesian, are added via the plant edit view.
Local Name
Cultural Group
Woura humba
Sumba - Lewa-Kambera
Source: extracted from herbarium spreadsheet 24-Mar-10
woura = Indigo, humba = island
woura = Indigo, humba = pulau
Dao kota
Source: extracted from herbarium spreadsheet 24-Mar-10
Kota = Kupang.
Kota = Kupang
Taum kase
Timor - Malaka
Uab Meto
No cultural group given
Lohorai - Timor Leste
Dao hawu
Tarum Kejarak
Kalimantan - Dayak Desa
Dayak desa
Sumba - Lewa-Kambera
Plant uses now includes materials from the CDB. Does this connection make sense? Uses are added via the plant edit view.
Cultural Group
Part Used
Dyeing process
Bali - Karangasem
No material given
Flower, Fruit, Leaf
No color given
Zadrak Boenga
I Komang Sujata
30 Apr 2009
Leaves are mixed with other ingredients including water to produce blue dye. This is the main plant used to process blue dye, as it is the most common form locally.
Daunnya dicampur dengan bahan lainnya termasuk dengan air untuk menghasilkan warna biru. Tanaman ini merupakan bahan utama dalam proses warna biru, tanaman ini sangat banyak terdapat diwilayah ini.
Dyeing process
No material given
Flower, Fruit, Leaf
Noi Oskar
I Komang Sujata
28 Apr 2009
Leaves are mixed with other ingredients including water to produce blue dye. Tony Cunningham notes that Indigofera tinctoria is locally considered a better quality indigo source than Indigofera suffruticosa.
Daunnya dicampur dengan bahan lainnya termasuk dengan air untuk menghasilkan warna biru. Menurut catatan Tony Cunningham tanaman Indigofera tinctoria merupakan tanaman lokal yang kandungan indicannya lebih baik daripada Indigofera suffruticosa.
Dyeing process
Bali - Gianyar
No material given
Flower, Fruit, Leaf
No color given
Jean Howe
20 Mar 2024
Daun Taun direndam 2 malam, lalu ditaruh kapur sirih dan diaduk sampai berbuih. Setelah itu didiamkan. Benang putih bisa dicelup berkali-kali untuk mendapatkan warna biru sesuai keinginan
Dyeing process
Timor - Malaka
No material given
Flower, Fruit, Leaf
No informant given
Jean Howe
No date given
Used for blue colour
Digunakan untuk proses warna biru. Daun direndam selama 2 hari, lalu daun dibuang dan air rendaman diisi kapur. Diaduk-aduk untuk mencelup biru
Dyeing process
Kalimantan - Dayak Desa
No material given
Flower, Fruit, Leaf
No informant given
Jean Howe
No date given
Leaves and brances are used in blue colour like the othe type of Indigofera. Rupina got the seed form another weaver Dilam. In the past this plant is boil but not untill it hot, only warm fro blue colour.
Daun dan cabang digunakan dalam proses warna biru seperti indigofera jenis lainnya.Bibit tanaman ini didapat dari Ibu Dilam. Tarum kejarak ini dipakai oleh orang tua terdahulu dengan cara direbus tapi tidak sampai mendidih.
Dyeing process
Kalimantan - Dayak Desa
No material given
Flower, Fruit, Leaf
No color given
Ace Benu
I Ketut Wenten
03 Oct 2015
Leaves are used in blue dye process
Daun digunakan dalam proses warna biru
Dyeing process
Sumba - Umalulu
No material given
No color given
14 Mar 2024
Aromatic & cosmetic
Bali - Klungkung
No parts given
No color given
Ace Benu
Ace Benu
15 Mar 2024
Food & drink
Bali - Tenganan
No parts given
No color given
No informant given
Adam Nirang
15 Mar 2024